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Topics Covered

  • MoveMotor Command
  • Lesson Links

    Check Your Understanding:
    1. 1. A programmer can tell the arm motor to go to a specific position using this command:
    2. armMotor
    3. 2. True / False: In a ROBOTC program, the values between the parenthesis are called parameters.
    4. True
    5. 3. True / False: In ROBOTC, every time you download a program, it is automatically saved.
    6. True
    7. 4. True / False: In order to move the arm from the up position to the down position,
      the programmer should make the motor speed a negative value.
    8. True
    Try It!
    Try it! 1

    Finding the Limit

    Experiment with values for the up/down distance values for the moveMotor command to find the upper and lower values of your robot's arm.

    Try it!

    Test your program with the arm in different starting locations (all the way up, all the way down, somewhere in the middle)
    Did You Know?

    Did you know?

    Reference Materials

    Whenever learning a new command, the ROBOTC Help Documentation can be a great reference to figure out how to properly use commands.

    Find the ROBOTC Help Documentation under the "Help - Open Help" menu

    Moving the Arm - Mini Challenges

    Mini Challenge 1: Wind Sprints - Level 2

    Have the robot move 25 cm forward, then 25 cm backwards, then 50 cm forward, and 50 cm forward - all the way up to 100cm.

    In addition, the robot have to make a complete stop, raise their arm when reaching the distance line - then when reaching the starting line must completely stop and lower their arm.

    Fastest robot wins, but wheels cannot cross the distance lines completely or else the robot will be disqualified.
    • On a table, choose a starting line, then create three lines from start at 25 cm, 50 cm, and 100 cm.

    Mini Challenge PDF[ Wind Sprints - Level 2.pdf ]