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Topics Covered

  • armControl Block
  • Lesson Links

    Check Your Understanding:
    1. 1. True or False. The armControl command block must also be placed within the loop.
    2. True
    3. 2. VEX IQ Controller buttons provide values of:
    4. 0 when not pressed, and 100 when pressed.
      0 when not pressed, and 1 when pressed.
      -100 when not pressed, and 100 when pressed.
      1 when not pressed, and 0 when pressed.
    5. 3. The armControl command block allows you to specify:
    6. A motor to be controlled.
      Which VEX IQ Controller buttons to use.
      The speed the motor should be run.
      All the above
    Try It!
    Try it! 1

    Arm Speed Control

    The fourth box of the armControl command block allows you to control the speed that the arm motor is assigned.

    Adjust the speed used in your program to values of 25, 50, and 100.
    Download and run your program after each change, and observe which value gives you the best control over the arm motor. Try it!

    What happens?
    Higher the value of the fourth box, quicker the arm raises or lowers!
    Mini Challenge

    Mini Challenge 1: Claw Control

    The armControl command block is not limited to controlling actual arm motors. It can also be used to control the claw motor on your robot.
    • Add a second armControl command block to your program, and configure it to control the claw motor, with the up and down buttons on the top-right of the VEX IQ Controller.
    • Download and run your program, and use the VEX IQ Controller to drive up to an object, pick it up, and drop off in a goal.

    Mini Challenge 2: Wait For Button Press

    The buttons on the VEX IQ Controller are not limited to controlling the arm and gripper motors on your robot.
    • Have the robot waitUntil one of the buttons on the VEX IQ Controller has been pressed before allowing program flow to enter repeatUntil loop with the remote control command blocks.
    • Use the Touch LED to display red while the robot is waiting for the button to be pressed, and then to display green while the robot is running the remote control command blocks.

    You can use the waitUntil command block to have the program flow stay at a certain spot until a condition is met.

    Buttons have a value of 1 when pressed, and 0 when not pressed.

    + hint