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Mini-challenge solutions

Program Review: Threshold Values

  • The program shown below is a sample solution to the Threshold Values Mini-Challenge
    from Forward Until Near 3.
  • Keep in mind that, in this challenge, the robot must drive backwards to move "forward". This is so that it moves with its Distance Sensor facing the front.
Hover on any block in the program to view a detailed explanation.
1_SetMultipleMotors_Block Turns motors 1 and 6 On at -20% power. Starts moving the robot backward (driving 'forward' with Distance Sensor), towards the wall. StopMultipleMotors block will need to stop the robot later.
2_WaitUntil_first wait block Stops the program from processing additional commands until the Distance Sensor value is less than 750 ('< 750') Robot waits until the wall is less than 750 mm away.
3_SetTouchLEDColor_first TOUCHLED block Sets the value of the TouchLED as 'colorYellow'. Lights TouchLED in Yellow.
4_WaitUntil_first wait block Stops the program from processing additional commands until the Distance Sensor value is less than 500 ('< 500') Robot waits until the wall is less than 500 mm away.
5_SetTouchLEDColor_ Sets the value of the TouchLED as 'colorOrange'. Lights TouchLED in Orange.
6_WaitUntil_first wait block Stops the program from processing additional commands until the Distance Sensor value is less than 250 ('< 250') Robot waits until the wall is less than 250 mm away.
7_SetTouchLEDColor_ Sets the value of the TouchLED as 'colorRed'. Lights TouchLED in Red.
8_StopMultipleMotors_ Stops motors 1 and 6. Stops the robot (after the WaitUntil block finishes).

Program Review: Move Until Far

  • The program shown below is a sample solution to the Move Until Far Mini-Challenge
    from Forward Until Near 3.
  • It assumes that the robot starts facing a wall that is less than 300mm away from the robot's Distance Sensor.
  • Keep in mind that, in this challenge, the robot must drive backwards to move "forward". This is so that it moves with its Distance Sensor facing the front.
Hover on any block in the program to view a detailed explanation.
1_SetMultipleMotors_Block Turns motors 1 and 6 On at 50% power. Starts moving the robot forward (driving 'backward' with Distance Sensor), away from the wall. StopMultipleMotors block will need to stop the robot later.
2_WaitUntil_ Stops the program from processing additional commands until the Distance Sensor value is greater than 300 ('> 300') Robot waits until the wall is more than 300 mm away before continuing the program.
3_StopMultipleMotors_Blah Stops motors 1 and 6. Stops the robot (after the WaitUntil block finishes).