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Check Your Understanding:
  1. 1. How are direct mapping and indirect mapping different?
  2. Indirect Mapping alters the values provided by the joysticks before they are applied to the motors
    Indirect Mapping can increase the Motor Power beyond the +127 and -127 limits by multiplying the value provided by the joysticks
    Indirect Mapping can increase the Motor Power beyond the +127 and -127 limits by adding to the value provided by the joysticks
    Indirect Mapping requires that the value provided by the joysticks go to the computer first, before going to the robot indirectly
  3. 2. What side effect did the method of improving low speed control have?
  4. There were no side effects
    The robot was no longer able to move at top speed
    The robot did not turn as well
    The motors became jumpy, like they were not getting continuous signals from the VEXnet
  5. 3. There is an ideal mapping that works for every driver.
  6. True. If it doesn’t, then you have to change drivers
    False – Every driver and every robot is different