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Check Your Understanding:
  1. 1. The moveMotorTarget command uses built-in functionality in ROBOTC’s firmware to:
  2. Immediately rotate the specified motor to the desired target value.
    Monitor the value of an encoder and automatically slow the motor down as it approaches the target value.
    Move the specified motor exactly 10 more encoder counts.
    Choose the next motor defined in the Motors and Sensors setup as the target for the next movement command.
  3. 2. True or False. The moveMotorTarget command can be compared to a good driver who slows to a stop.
  4. True
  5. 3. True or False. The getMotorEncoder command can be compared to a good driver who slows to a stop.
  6. True
  7. 4. The getMotorTargetCompleted command returns __________ when the specified motor encoder has __________ the target value.
  8. flase, reached
    true, reached
    true, not reached
    1, not reached
  9. 5. A loop which checks a condition but repeats no commands is sometimes called a(n):
  10. Infinite Loop
    Idle Loop
    Lazy Loop
    Idol Loop
Boolean Logic Pt 1
  1. 1. The symbol ‘!=’ means:
  2. Equals
    Exactly equals
    Less than equals
    Does not equal
Boolean Logic Pt 2