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Check Your Understanding:
  1. 1. In our Labyrinth using Encoders program, we could also have caused the robot to go a shorter, straight distance by:
  2. Changing the power level of both motors
    Changing the power level of the left motor
    There is no other way to change the distance the robot travels other than changing the number of counts on the encoder
    Changing the power level of the right motor
  3. 2. What other way could we have resolved the problem with our robot not stopping while making a turn?
  4. Change the Boolean operator in the while loop from less than (<) to greater than (>)
    Add a negative sign to the right motor power instead of the left motor power and make a 270 degree turn
    Add a negative sign to both the left and right motor powers
    There is no other way other than to change the While condition sensor value to the right encoder
  5. 3. We were able to determine the source of the programming problem by observing that the left encoder was counting down from zero when the left motor spins in reverse.
  6. True