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Check Your Understanding:
  1. 1. Why is clearing the encoder values important
  2. Without clearing the encoder values, the robot will always start with the last encoder value it measured.
    Without clearing the encoder values, the robot will always travel less than the correct distance.
    Without clearing the encoder values, the robot will always run in reverse.
    Without clearing the encoder values, the robot will always travel more than the correct distance.
  3. 2. What are the parts of a while loop
  4. The ‘while’ command and the body of the body of code that is looped
    The‘while’ command and the condition to control when the loop should be stopped
    The ‘while’ command, the condition to control when the loop should end and the body of the code that is looped
    The ‘while’ command, the condition to control when the loop should be stopped and its square braces.
  5. 3. The while loop is constantly checking its condition.
  6. True. It continues to check its condition while the code between the curly braces is being executed.
    False. It checks its condition before it runs the code between the curly braces and then checks it again after each time it runs the code between the curly braces.
Boolean Logic Pt 1
  1. 1. The symbol ‘!=’ means:
  2. Equals
    Exactly equals
    Less than equals
    Does not equal
Boolean Logic Pt 2