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Check Your Understanding:
  1. 1. Before using the VEXnet joystick for the first time, firmware should be updated to ensure:
  2. You are using the latest Master Firmware
    You are using the latest version of ROBOTC
    Your joystick has the latest version of the firmware and is compatible with ROBOTC
    None of the above – the VEXnet joystick has the latest version of its firmware already preloaded
  3. 2. The VEXnet joystick firmware should be downloaded every time you use it:
  4. True
  5. 3. The VEXnet joystick firmware should be downloaded whenever you change its batteries.
  6. True
  7. 4. The VEXnet joystick firmware should be downloaded whenever you update to a newer version of ROBOTC.
  8. True